Hello there ! So the Arts & Craft Market was grand. Again I met some really interesting folk who were so kind to give me encouragement to keep going! I was over the moon to have sold two of my paintings and also pretty chuffed to have sold a few pieces of my Steampunk Jewellery that I hadn't even had the time to upload onto my website http://www.thejosiebaggleycompany.com/ . There were so many interesting stalls -one in particular caught my eye - a clothes rail holding the most scrumptious designer wear by Carmel Connerny. What that girl can do with muslin-WoW! & chic vintage floral fabrics but always her pieces have a funky innovative edge whilst also encompassing such femininity. She's a natural & I hope to see her there at September's venue.
So the crow,- Ed Peters (name taken from the scrap of 1922 Edition Peters Music Script added to his attire!) is made from timber . He has an obsidian (volcanic glass) talisman strapped under his beak using leather-this gives a dimensional appearance I think to his appearance. He is swathed in old black lace & has an antique solid brass finding for his eye onto which a diamante finding is soldered on for the so important twinkle! A very old 19th century pocket watch part ,cogs and springs & an iron chain gives him a Steampunk Chunk finish.
Miss Winifred ( name taken from 1927 ephemera) is also comprised of wood. She has an old watch hand twisted into shape for her eye & wears cotton crochet lace .
Capturing A Faery
The captured Faery
This is the dresser that Jim made for me to display my creations on & I bring it with me to the market. it will be set on casters for the next one which will make it easier to move about!. I've almost finished the artwork on it.
I love this dresser I have to say. It's a O*O*A*K. It's still a work in progress but it's getting there! He has made it completely by hand & used dowels rather than screws & nails etc and I am so impressed by the way he has arched the wood to the side & how he has placed the quirky doors at quirky angles. ..quirky & charming -Just like HIM! awh shucks
back soon!
Wow! That is the coolest dresser! It just works with your stuff so well - which by the way is amazing!!! As is the blog and website ;)*
Hi! What a cool dresser! Very nice, really >.<
Well, I've never been so good at this of posting the first time on a blog, but I supose a little presentation would be ok ^^U I'm the girl you met at the second hand clothing store (the spanish one >,<)
I've been looking your website, you really make amazing jewellry, and the "The White Rabbit" is really awesome.
So, well, I think that's all by now! When I arrive to Spain I'll send you that link list I told you >.< It was very nice to meet you! I was very happy to find someone like you ^3^ Hope to see you again, I'm going to Dublin this Saturday, and maybe I be able to go to your shop again >.< I hope so!
~*Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog today! Your blog is very cool! I really like your style and admire the work that your cool sounding husband has made for you! I hope that you make lots of business when you take it on the road with you! Your website is also quite cool*~
I once captured a faery but it got a way :( did'nt put the lid on jar to well. Good to see you got this one, thay can be quite naughty! p.s I love to visit just to hear that song on you blog lol
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